Andy Stumpf

A Northern California native, Andy Stumpf is a retired Navy SEAL Officer. Andy completed his childhood dream after completing BUDS training and going SEAL Team Five. In 2002, he screened for and joined the most elite counterterrorism unit in the military, SEAL Team SIX. After being injured in combat, Andy was sidelined until 2006, when he returned to the Naval Special Warfare Center as the Leading Petty Officer for 2nd Phase BUD/s training. While completing his two year instructor tour, in charge of 13 senior SEAL instructors and 600 students, Andy submitted his package to become a commissioned officer. In 2008, he became the first E-6 selection commissioned through the Limited Duty Officer Program in the history of Naval Special Warfare.

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David Winne

David Winne is an active duty United States Army Officer with a passion for fitness and seeing others succeed and achieve their fitness and life goals. Winne is currently an Army Ranger captain qualified EOD technician with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Over the last decade, Winne has dived deep into multiple modalities of fitness including Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Tactical Fitness and Olympic Lifting to achieve goals in the military and in the civilian fitness world.

Chad Robichaux

Chad Robichaux is a former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading nonprofit that serves the active duty and military veteran communities with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs.

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Clint Emerson

Clint Emerson is a retired Navy SEAL with twenty years of service with the Special Operations community. He served as a SEAL operator at SEAL Team Three, the NSA, and SEAL Team Six. He is the founder of Escape the Wolf, which focuses on crisis management for global companies both large and small. He’s the bestselling author of the 100 Deadly Skills series.

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Perry Yee

Perry Yee is a former Navy SEAL Operator who spent over four years participating in Close Quarters Defense and weapons training. While in the Teams, Perry spent more than three years in leadership, training, and management of projects as an operator, his expertise in identifying problem areas and initiating corrective action developed and refined into shareable skills. Perry is the CEO/Founder of Active Valor. Active Valor is a 501(c)(3) combat veteran run nonprofit organization dedicated to successfully engaging veterans in civilian life through creating programs that are specifically designed to combat the physical, mental, and emotional roadblocks that can occur after discharging from the military.

Travis Kennedy

Born and raised in Southern California, Travis Kennedy is a former Navy SEAL, Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal (BUD/s) instructor, and served as the leading Chief Petty Officer running the Special Operations Urban Combat training division. In April 2019, he separated from the military in order to follow his next calling of giving back, teaching, and mentoring others so they may grow individually and professionally.

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Andy Stumpf

A Northern California native, Andy Stumpf is a retired Navy SEAL Officer. Andy completed his childhood dream after completing BUDS training and going SEAL Team Five. In 2002, he screened for and joined the most elite counterterrorism unit in the military, SEAL Team SIX. After being injured in combat, Andy was sidelined until 2006, when he returned to the Naval Special Warfare Center as the Leading Petty Officer for 2nd Phase BUD/s training. While completing his two year instructor tour, in charge of 13 senior SEAL instructors and 600 students, Andy submitted his package to become a commissioned officer. In 2008, he became the first E-6 selection commissioned through the Limited Duty Officer Program in the history of Naval Special Warfare.

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Clint Emerson

Clint Emerson is a retired Navy SEAL with twenty years of service with the Special Operations community. He served as a SEAL operator at SEAL Team Three, the NSA, and SEAL Team Six. He is the founder of Escape the Wolf, which focuses on crisis management for global companies both large and small. He’s the bestselling author of the 100 Deadly Skills series.

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Travis Kennedy

Born and raised in Southern California, Travis Kennedy is a former Navy SEAL, Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal (BUD/s) instructor, and served as the leading Chief Petty Officer running the Special Operations Urban Combat training division. In April 2019, he separated from the military in order to follow his next calling of giving back, teaching, and mentoring others so they may grow individually and professionally.

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Chad Robichaux

Chad Robichaux is a former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading nonprofit that serves the active duty and military veteran communities with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs.

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David Winne

David Winne is an active duty United States Army Officer with a passion for fitness and seeing others succeed and achieve their fitness and life goals. Winne is currently an Army Ranger captain qualified EOD technician with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Over the last decade, Winne has dived deep into multiple modalities of fitness including Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Tactical Fitness and Olympic Lifting to achieve goals in the military and in the civilian fitness world.

Perry Yee

Perry Yee is a former Navy SEAL Operator who spent over four years participating in Close Quarters Defense and weapons training. While in the Teams, Perry spent more than three years in leadership, training, and management of projects as an operator, his expertise in identifying problem areas and initiating corrective action developed and refined into shareable skills. Perry is the CEO/Founder of Active Valor. Active Valor is a 501(c)(3) combat veteran run nonprofit organization dedicated to successfully engaging veterans in civilian life through creating programs that are specifically designed to combat the physical, mental, and emotional roadblocks that can occur after discharging from the military.

Ava Flanell

Ava Flanell is the owner and Chief Instructor of Elite Firearms & Training, located in Colorado Springs, CO. She is NRA certified in Home Firearm Safety, Pistol, Refuse to Be A Victim, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home, and as a Range Safety Officer. Prior to starting Elite Firearms & Training in 2013, Ava lived in New York City, where she worked for the New York Yankees. In 2017, Ava started the podcast, Gun Funny, and has become one of top shows on the Firearms Radio Network.

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Ava Flanell

Ava Flanell is the owner and Chief Instructor of Elite Firearms & Training, located in Colorado Springs, CO. She is NRA certified in Home Firearm Safety, Pistol, Refuse to Be A Victim, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home, and as a Range Safety Officer. Prior to starting Elite Firearms & Training in 2013, Ava lived in New York City, where she worked for the New York Yankees. In 2017, Ava started the podcast, Gun Funny, and has become one of top shows on the Firearms Radio Network.

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Andy Stumpf

A Northern California native, Andy Stumpf is a retired Navy SEAL Officer. Andy completed his childhood dream after completing BUDS training and going SEAL Team Five. In 2002, he screened for and joined the most elite counterterrorism unit in the military, SEAL Team SIX. After being injured in combat, Andy was sidelined until 2006, when he returned to the Naval Special Warfare Center as the Leading Petty Officer for 2nd Phase BUD/s training. While completing his two year instructor tour, in charge of 13 senior SEAL instructors and 600 students, Andy submitted his package to become a commissioned officer. In 2008, he became the first E-6 selection commissioned through the Limited Duty Officer Program in the history of Naval Special Warfare.

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Chad Robichaux

Chad Robichaux is a former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading nonprofit that serves the active duty and military veteran communities with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs.

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Clint Emerson

Clint Emerson is a retired Navy SEAL with twenty years of service with the Special Operations community. He served as a SEAL operator at SEAL Team Three, the NSA, and SEAL Team Six. He is the founder of Escape the Wolf, which focuses on crisis management for global companies both large and small. He’s the bestselling author of the 100 Deadly Skills series.

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Travis Kenedy

Born and raised in Southern California, Travis Kennedy is a former Navy SEAL, Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal (BUD/s) instructor, and served as the leading Chief Petty Officer running the Special Operations Urban Combat training division. In April 2019, he separated from the military in order to follow his next calling of giving back, teaching, and mentoring others so they may grow individually and professionally.

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David Winne

David Winne is an active duty United States Army Officer with a passion for fitness and seeing others succeed and achieve their fitness and life goals. Winne is currently an Army Ranger captain qualified EOD technician with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Over the last decade, Winne has dived deep into multiple modalities of fitness including Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Tactical Fitness and Olympic Lifting to achieve goals in the military and in the civilian fitness world.

Perry Yee

Perry Yee is a former Navy SEAL Operator who spent over four years participating in Close Quarters Defense and weapons training. While in the Teams, Perry spent more than three years in leadership, training, and management of projects as an operator, his expertise in identifying problem areas and initiating corrective action developed and refined into shareable skills. Perry is the CEO/Founder of Active Valor. Active Valor is a 501(c)(3) combat veteran run nonprofit organization dedicated to successfully engaging veterans in civilian life through creating programs that are specifically designed to combat the physical, mental, and emotional roadblocks that can occur after discharging from the military.

Ava Flanell

Ava Flanell is the owner and Chief Instructor of Elite Firearms & Training, located in Colorado Springs, CO. She is NRA certified in Home Firearm Safety, Pistol, Refuse to Be A Victim, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home, and as a Range Safety Officer. Prior to starting Elite Firearms & Training in 2013, Ava lived in New York City, where she worked for the New York Yankees. In 2017, Ava started the podcast, Gun Funny, and has become one of top shows on the Firearms Radio Network.

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Tactical ไม่ได้มีแค่เรื่องของการลั่นไก เพียงอย่างเดียว มันมีอีกมากมายหลายอย่างที่เราต้องคิด ต้องทำพิจารณามากมาย ซึ่งเพื่อสร้างความสนุกและบรรเทิงได้ มันต้องกลั่นกรอง เรียนรู้ และพิจารณาเพื่อมาเป็นเกมส์และกีฬาอย่างนึง สิ่งนึงที่เราได้ยินจาก Community ทหาร/ตำรวจ/รพศ จากงานเหล่านี้เหมือนกันคือ ."ภารกิจที่มีอาวุธไว้เป็นเครื่องประดับ และจบด้วยการไม่ต้องใช้ คือภารกิจที่จบสวยที่สุด แต่หากเมื่อจำเป็นต้องใช้เราก็พร้อมใช้มันอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและถูกต้องที่สุด โดยไร้ข้ออ้างในความผิดพลาดของทุกปัจจัย".โดยคำว่า ไร้ข้อผิดพลาด มนุษย์ 1 คนต้องจัดการกับ.
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- ความรู้ด้านอื่น​เช่น การปฐมพยาบาล เครื่องมือพิเศษ #ของตัวเองและอื่นๆอีกมากมายในช่วงเวลาหนักนาที วินาที หรือเสี้ยววินาที

Game หรือ Challenge เหล่านี้คงไม่ได้ทดแทนประสบการณ์ทำงานหรืองานจริงได้ แต่มันตอบ " ว่าเราอยู่ตรงไหน" ไม่ได้บอกว่าใครเจ๋ง แต่ตอบว่า ตัวเราเองพลาด อะไร และมันคือพื้นที่ในความผิดพลาดอย่างสร้างสรรค์ ที่เราได้สนุกและร่วมเชียร์เพื่อน แชร์กับเพื่อน .ฉะนั้น Sapiens นั้น = มนุษย์ Anvil คือ ถั่งตีเหล็ก แน่นอน ว่ามันคือเกมส์แห่งผู้คนที่จะรวบรวมทุกศาสตร์ทุกสิ่งในความเป็นมนุษย์ Tactical ของคุณมาเล่น




